ECSA - Annual Report 206- Brussels 10 10 06
including photos of Alphonse Guinier (Secretary General) & Lennart Simonsson (President)

ECSA / Annual Report 05 & and Meeting with Mr Barrot Jacques ECSA (Annual Report 2005 & Meeting with Mr Barrot (commissioner) 03 10 05)
Lennart Simonsson - ECSA President
Philippe Louis-Dreyfus - ECSA Vice-President
Alfons Guinier - Secretary General of ECSA
exclusive photos

ECSA ECSA : Conference Brussels 16 12 04
exlusive photos

  ECSA Ecsa Press Conference 04 October 04 Brussels
exclusive photos with Mr Graeme Dunlop ( Ecsa President) & Mr Lennart Simonsson (Upcomming Ecsa President)

  ECSA Ecsa Press Conference October 03 Brussels
exclusive photos with Mr Graeme Dunlop (New Ecsa President)&Mr Guinier Alphonse (General Delegate)