Extensive support from MEPs for the “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” Intergroup

At the event “Dialogue on the Future of Europe’s Countryside, Sustainable Land Use, Hunting and Nature Conservation”, kindly hosted by MEP Juan Ignacio Zoido – Intergroup Board Member in the past term – and jointly organised by the European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE) and the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO), the fundamental role of rural actors and the socio-economic importance of countryside activities was reaffirmed. MEP Zoido welcomed all MEPs and representatives of stakeholder organisations. He underlined the importance of continuing the Intergroup, which historically provided major contributions to the political agenda during the previous parliamentary terms.

Torbjörn Larsson, President of FACE, stated: “Over the past five years, the Intergroup has gained support from over 120 MEPs—proof of its importance. For Europe’s 7 million hunters, it has been essential for addressing key rural and environmental issues. Now is the time to push for its re-establishment!”

Jurgen Tack, ELO’s Secretary General said that: “The Intergroup has consistently led the way in ensuring that the genuine, on-the-ground concerns of those living closest to the land are heard and considered in policy decisions. By keeping the European Parliament a strong advocate for all countryside stakeholders, we can ensure that the future of agriculture remains both realistic and effective”.

This event marked the official kick-off of our support campaign to ensure the voice of Europe’s countryside remains strong and influential in future policy decisions. FACE and ELO, in collaboration with key MEPs from various political groups, are working tirelessly to secure broad support for the Intergroup’s re-establishment during this 2024-2029 parliamentary term.

Visit FACE or ELO webpage for more info


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