Photos : CER (Meeting with Commissioner Jacques Barrot) 30 11 04

Mr Jacques Barrot : New European Commissioner for Transport
Mr Karel Vinck : CER's Acting Chairman and CEO of the Belgian Railways SNCB/NMBS
Mr Johannes Ludewig : CER's Executive Director
Mr Hartmut Mehdorn : CEO of the German railways ; CER representative on the Administrative Board
of the European Railway Agency

Mr Jan
Komárek : Director-General of the Czech infrastructure company SZDC and Vice-Chairman of CER
Mr Vinck & Mr Mehdorn & Mr Barrot &
Mr Komárek
& Mr Ludewig

Photo 1: Nr. 338_3882
Mr Vinck & Mr Mehdorn & Mr Barrot &
Mr Komárek
& Mr Ludewig
Published: DVZ 02/12/04 Frontpage
Photo 2: Nr. 338_3878a
Mr Vinck & Mr Mehdorn & Mr Barrot &
Mr Komárek
& Mr Ludewig

Photo 3: Nr. 338_3873a
Mr Mehdorn & Mr Barrot

Photo 4: Nr. 338_3878b
Mr Mehdorn & Mr Barrot

Photo 5: Nr. 338_3873b