Photos : CER sponsored debate - 06/10/04 - Residence Palace Brussels
Mr Johannes Ludewig (Executive Director CER) ; Mr Markus Maibach (INFRAS Consulting)
Mr Chris Nash (Professor University of Leeds) ; Mr Karel Vinck (CEO of SNCB and Acting Chairman of CER)

Mr Heinz Hilbrecht (Director of Directorate E - Inland transport, DG Energy and Transport, European Commission

Mr Maibach & Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig
& Mr Vinck

Photo 1: Nr. 292_9216
Mr Maibach & Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig
& Mr Vinck

Photo 2: Nr. 292_9214
Mr Maibach & Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig
& Mr Vinck

Published: DVZ 07/10/03
Photo 3: Nr. 292_9213
Mr Maibach & Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig

Photo 4: Nr. 292_9212
Mr Ludewig

Photo 5: Nr. 292_9209
Mr Maibach & Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig
& Mr Vinck

Photo 6: Nr. 292_9206
Mr Maibach & Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig

Photo 7: Nr. 292_9201
Mr Maibach & Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig

Photo 8: Nr. 291_975
Mr Maibach & Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig

Photo 9: Nr. 291_9171
Mr Nash & Mr Ludewig

Photo 10: Nr. 291_9164
Mr Nash

Photo 11: Nr. 292_9244
Mr Nash

Photo 12: Nr. 292_9263
Mr Maibach

Photo 13: Nr. 292_9262
Mr Maibach

Photo 14: Nr. 292_9224
Mr Hilbrecht & Mr Vinck

Photo 15: Nr. 29_9195
Mr Hilbrecht & Mr Vinck

Photo 16: Nr. 291_9196
Mr Hilbrecht & Mr Vinck

Photo 17: Nr. 291_9193

Photo 18: Nr. 291_9191
Mr Nash

Photo 19: Nr. 291_9164
Mr Nash
Published: DVZ 07/10/03
Photo 20: Nr. 291_9158
Mr Nash

Photo 21: Nr. 291_9159

Photo 22: Nr. 292_9237